The history of India is full of incredible stories of prosperous civilizations Religions and cultures dating back to antiquity.

The civilization of India is one of the oldest known to us and has played a role on the world stage for centuries, and even today it is still a worthy topic for exploring the evidence of cave paintings and stone tools, revealing that the first signs of human history in India can be found somewhere between 400 000.

And the 200 000 BC details about the civilizations living in the area were not long ago, but we know that the Harappan people were one of the first sophisticated communities to occupy the lands of India in the first few thousand years since the establishment of BC.

The Harappan people along the Indus had their own writing system with improved social and economic structure and urban cities and architecture. The next known civilization to make a mark in Indian history books as the cause of the invaders were the Vedic Aryans who were the early settlers of these people

They spoke of the early form of Sanskrit, and they decided to be true to their tribal identity, the name given to the people of the Vedas came from the four scriptures or scriptures that have given the researchers a view of civilization. Lives and beliefs These Vedas are often considered to be the oldest Hindu scriptures,

And the Vedic civilization spread their culture throughout much of India around 1000 BC. Believed to have been spread by. The Vedic Aryans brought their philosophical beliefs These ideas represent a doctrine that happiness and salvation come from a person’s morals and ethics, and one’s path should be based on their place in life but should always be righteous and good.

The Vedic Aryans also shared their social system because they first formed this system with three tearful Brahmins or priest Kashtriya or warrior and Vaishya or commoners.

The Aryans continued to spread their tribal settlements. In the following centuries, India developed its own civilization and culture, and the trade of 16 individual settlements or states spread throughout northern India, including Gandhara Kusala Guru and Mahatma, and especially during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya in the 4th century BC began to expand. As its leader developed his own power, he worked to create the Murian Empire, believed to be the first Indian imperial power.Palaces and even a university The commercial success of the empire was interesting.

The New Buddhist Beliefs of the Emperor Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born in 560 B.C. Brihadratha was assassinated by his commander in the Muria dynasty and later discovered the Shanka dynasty in 185 B.C.

 Despite rumors that Brihadratha's assassin, Pushi Mitra, had persecuted the Buddhists, Buddhism did not face any setbacks in parallel with his rise. Does not seem to have done anything in the genre,

Their control was short-lived by various colonies and invasions The powers controlling India at this time were the Kingdom of Kushana, known for its significant trade involvement with the Chinese, Persian and Roman Empires.

In the 1st century AD a Kushana ruler Konishka converted to Buddhism and in 75 advertisements helped to further promote the religion throughout the region.

The Kingdom of Kushana marks a new era The Shaga era marked the fall of some roses a short distance from the Kushans in the south where some roses fought for supremacy over each other.

The kingdoms of Satavahana Chera, Chola and Pancha were some of the most important rulers in the south at this time, and the Gupta Empire became the face of North India during the Classical through the Classical Age. The rule of the Gupta Empire is considered to be the period of order and the Golden Age of Northern India is considered to be the period of cultural development. The majority of the region was united under their authority.

 For military travel but the Gupta Empire though aims to expand their territory through peaceful means such as fewer military alliances through military action.

Over the centuries they were extensively successful, eventually reaching a state of decline between the 5th and 6th centuries, as invaders from Central Asia began to incorporate the land of the former dominant empire into the religions of Buddhism, and then Hinduism developed local and encroachment authorities for the next century. The struggle continued and the next major shake-up of Indian civilization came with the arrival of the Muslim invaders of Islam.

 A century after the death of the Prophet Muhammad the Muslim sultans began to lead. These invasions claimed places like the Indus Multan and the Samnad, and these invasions brought about the defeat of the native kingdoms and the destruction of Hindu temples.

Major religions such as Buddhism began to decline in the early 13th century as Gori and his forces began to convert to Islam in India.

The era of domination of the Delhi Sultans The first dynasty arose within the Delhi Sultanate, the slave dynasty of Qutb-ud-din Ibn'q ruled the Sultanate and the Khilji dynasty was first captured by Jahal-ud-din Khilji until 1290, when his family held the throne for less than a century. Was,

But the Douglas dynasty technically retained power until 1412, but things were complicated as the Saeed dynasty changed them from 1414 onwards, replacing Timur and the Saeed dynasty who entered Delhi in 1398. The Syeds lasted about 37 years, but the rule of the last ruler revolted and changed. Another dynasty took power as the dynasty fell by grace

 Since the open throne was this time the Lodi dynasty, the new dynasty lasted until the death of the then current ruler, Ibrahim Khan Lodi. The battle of Panipat in 1526 by the army of Babur, the leader of Kabul, brought Ibrahim's death to the final end of the Sultanate of Delhi.

 Now without competition from the Lodi dynasty, the Board established the Mughal dynasty, one of the largest in which the original Turkish Mongol imperial power throughout history ruled the majority of India for more than two centuries and brought significant cultural development and architectural achievements, including the Great Taj Mahal.

Despite their immense conquest the Mughal Empire began its decline in the early 18th century and after the uprising began to shake the foundations of widespread power with the threats of the rebellious Marathas and the British East India Company.

In fact it had been in the area for some time, but shortly after the fall of the Mughals the British situation began to increase.

This uprising, later known as the First War of Indian Independence, had the inevitable lasting impact of responding to the riots of November 1, 1858, to quell the revolt a few months after the end of British rule. Queen Victoria of Britain announced that India would be ruled in the name of India

From that point on the British crown maintained their denial and anger over British domination of their land.

And nationalist sentiments and movements were far from extinguishing the next great move towards independence, when Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress decided to withdraw all cooperation. Adopted the new technique.

 The movement was basically formed The proclamation of an Indian Independence Day to be celebrated on 16 January and the complete violation of any order of the British Government Gandhi's strategy again failed,

And this time he was arrested, and the British were eventually rounded up despite the killing of several rebels.

World War II brought new problems because India was plunged into war by the British, but at the end of the conflict a new Labor Party came and sympathized with the struggle for power and freedom in India, returning to 15th place on August 14, 1947, India became an independent nation 

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