The progress of Sri Lanka is over 2500 years and its record and history dates back to the sixteenth century BC.

On earlier occasions the island was referred to by various names, for example, after the appearance of the Serendipity thumb Bhavani and the Sahel Reaper, it became known as the European border powers in BC. Were set in the fifth or sixth century.

 The Chronicles recorded mainly in the North-Focal area, and soon after the pioneers came from the North Indian pilgrim congregation in the third century BC free areas including the Andrew Pura, the Arahat psyche of the child of the Indian Murian leader Ashoka, were formed, and the city of Anuradhapura immediately became the religion of the Express.

 The government's undefeated capital movement in various events necessary to combat South Indian encroachments in the 11th and 15th centuries was another period that appeared in the archives of Sri Lankan history.

 They neglected to remove the artist who landed at Chokle with the help of the Dutch in the estuaries of the island anyway The Sinhala kings had the opportunity to expel the Portuguese from Ceylon in 1658.

The Dutch system was overseen by a transfer system until 1796. They were mainly attracted to any occasion that was in practice in connection with the management of maritime spaces.

 They also handed over property on the island to the British in 1796, British soldiers captured the sweet part of Sing Lee without massacre in 1815. Sri Lanka gained autonomy from the British in 1948 in 1978 and the country became a republic in 1972. And adopted Sri Lanka as its official name

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