Although the United States became an independent nation after 1776 and was recognized in 1783, the history of these lands is deeper than it was thousands of years ago, and it is not known exactly how the first Native Americans to settle on the American continent first settled in these regions but 30,000 years ago from Eurasia by a land bridge called Beringia. One theory states that cross-settlement connected Siberia with North America during the Ice Age. This migration continued until 10,000 years ago when an iceberg period ended and the land bridge sank into the rising sea, and now the early people were called Paleo Americans.

Deep in the United States, they created tribes and nations and developed interesting civilizations that nurtured their own culture among the cultures that existed here. We can refer to the culture of Edina as the culture of Iraq.

 But another part of present-day America did not inhabit this land from the 15th century until the beginning of the 1st-century Advertising Native Development with the settlement of the Polynesian people between the 1st and 10th centuries.

European colonization began in 1492. In 1492, a Spanish expedition led by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus traveled west to find a new trade route to the Far East, but in the following decades Europeans descended on what became known as the New World, and the Spaniards established more colonies. The ships sailed west.

 Creating their own American empire using islands such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hispan, they greatly expanded into all bases, establishing French colonies in eastern North America, several Caribbean islands, and small coastal areas of South America.

 And Sweden's first successful English colony, Jamestown, was founded on the James River in Virginia in 1607. New settlers arrived in the late 17th century and established commercial agriculture based on tobacco.

 In fact, a colony was ruled by a governor appointed from London, who controlled the administration and relied on a locally elected legislature to vote taxes, and in the 18th century, the American colonies settled in the West Indies, and in the 1770s the African slaves who were commanded by the African slaves for labor settled in the streams of tobacco and paddy plantations.

 African slaves compromised one-fifth of the American population, and the question of independence from Britain did not arise until the colonies needed British military support against the French.

An event created by the political development of the French and Indian war colonies by the Spanish powers, which was part of the Great Seven Years' War Britain defeated the French forces and France lost colonies and territories in Canada and Louisiana The cost of war increased and the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act of 1765 through the colonial legislatures Imposed attacks on.

The issue was drawn up, did Parliament have this right to tax unrepresented Americans? As tensions escalated in the late 1760s and early 1770s, the Boston Tea Party in 1773 marked the beginning of a revolution in Boston against the new tax on tea.

Parliament responded quickly by coercive action the following year, removing the historic self-determination of Massachusetts and bringing it under military rule, provoking outrage and provocation. Petitioned the king to rectify the grievances.

 About independence at that time but this appeal had no effect, so the Second Continental Congress was formed in 1775 to organize the defense of the colonies against the British army, the Thirteen Colonies began a revolt against the British rule in 1775 and declared their independence from the American Revolutionary War in 177 from 1776 to 1783. The British invading army in Saratoga defended the Northeast and encouraged the French to form a military alliance with the United States and France, which brought in Spain and the Netherlands.

The British Revolution was a victory for General George Washington, who had successfully worked with Congress and state governors on every side because Britain had no allies, to select and guide his senior officers as a great organizer and administrator, and to support and train his troops and to maintain an idealistic Republican Party. In the year the Peace of Paris recognized their independence the former colonies gained more than expected, and the expansion of the West began to annex the Emer Indian lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

 In 1803, US President Thomas Jefferson made a deal to buy Louisiana territory from France. Early ambassadors allowed France to spend up to ten million dollars on us to buy New Orleans on the west bank of the Mississippi River but the French government said it would sell all of Louisiana for another five million dollars.

The President approved the agreement and the U.S. It doubled in size in the mid-19th century, with some sessions in progress, Texas joined the Union in 1845, and the controversy over the enslavement of black people in 1860 escalated after the United States took over important lands after the war against the Mexican Empire and selected Abraham Lincoln in 1861 from certain states. What was going on was attacked by the Southern Federation. When separatist forces attacked Fort Summer in April 1861, the United States supported the abolition of slavery in all regions. The union achieved its victory after a four-year war in South Carolina

 And Confederations Defeated National Unity Slowly Restored National Government Expanded Its Power A Period of 19th Century Economic Expansion More and more industries were created and boomed 1898 Infrastructure American Spanish War takes place Americans shortly win World War I at the beginning of the 20th century We started with the German attacks on American ships and the intention to create Mexico, even if the United States was neutral.

Join us After the event the Americans joined the Allies, the economy was growing, the event shook the world until the Great Depression that began in 1929 and created a platform

On World War II, the Americans annexed the Allies after the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

 The Americans waged a long-distance war in Europe and the Pacific, and they supplied supplies such as motorized equipment for Soviet armored cars. Captured in September Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as rival powers after World War II.

This was a period known as the Cold War when both countries were indirectly involved in arms racing proxy wars around the world.

 The Korean and Vietnamese wars and propaganda campaigns aimed to stop the spread of communism in the waves of the 1960s civil rights movement. After the United States focused on modern conflicts in the Middle East on September 11 at the beginning of the 21st century, the right to vote and freedom of movement for African Americans and other ethnic minorities began and the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The United States had a major economic crisis following the 2001 attacks by al-Qaeda and the 2008 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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