The American Thanksgiving Story


In the early 17th century a group of so-called pilgrims wanted to reform and purify the churches of England as a result of their persecution, so they came to the Netherlands in search of religious freedom after 12 years in Holland called Holland.

 Realizing the threat posed by the permitted Dutch community, the pilgrims decided to seek refuge in a place where they could create a community that would fit in with their religious principles in return for seven years of work.

The Puritans persuaded a London stock company to finance their voyage.

 The voyage took 65 days and was fraught with great difficulties. The worst storms weakened the ship and caused many leaks. Many of the passengers were cold and wet. Began to explore the surroundings for a suitable place,

 They chose Plymouth because it had an excellent harbor and a large brook, in which the mayflower was to be fished while living, and the pilgrims going back and forth to build their homes were exceptionally hampered by severe snow and severe cold.

But the emigration ended in late March 1621, and their conquest was marred by great grief, with half of their original group dying in the first winter, worried that the Native American Indians would surprise themselves, except to survive.

Walked into the Indian colony of Samochet and greeted them in broken English.

 In the UK, the use of this opportunity by the pilgrims to negotiate a peace treaty and establish trade relations was immense, and it can be said that without his help they would not have survived. Taught travelers which programs are toxic and how they can be used as a medicine,

 The result was a plentiful harvest that provided food for their oncoming pilgrims who had plenty to celebrate even though almost half the people had died, they had successfully built houses in the wilderness, and had grown enough crops to keep them alive for the long winter,

 And they were at peace with their Indian neighbors, it was time to thank Governor William Bradford for announcing a day of thanksgiving for helping him escape the brutal winter, they invited Squanto and the other Indians to join them two days three days after their chief Massacre and ninety braves Came to the celebration

 The colony suffered a drought and Governor Branford ordered a day of fasting and prayer. It is reported that soon it began to rain to celebrate God's answer to prayer. November 29 was declared Thanksgiving. This date is believed to be the beginning of Thanksgiving today.

 It takes place on the fourth Thursday in November, the annual Thanksgiving celebration after harvest but it became a national observance Thanksgiving weekend became one of the busiest travel times of the year after Thanksgiving became the annual observance of Thanksgiving by President George Washington in 1789 and Abraham Lincoln in 1863.

Because this is a four to five day holiday for many schools and four businesses. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.

Many families consider God’s gratitude and truth to be true regardless of one’s religious beliefs Most families share with Turkey a great mashed potato gravy sweet potato cranberry sauce along with sweet corn and Kanebo The family members can share some of the things they thank you for that year

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