We can beat four-year-old Donald Trump in the United States, Joe Biden should not take addresses on racial equality from the sleepless President Joe Trump.

 They have seen precedents and misfortunes, which is the struggle for the spirit of the United States [applause] Joe Biden, who has been in the political business for over 50 years, underscores his management experience.

 The purpose is to ask [applause] Donald Trump to leave in 1942 for the good Joe Biden, who was conceived during the next World War. Adolescence in the regular city of Scranton Pennsylvania, where his father struggled to find a stable job after the progress of business problems en joey When he was 10 years old, his father moved to Wilmington, Delaware.

 As a child Biden had a crippled school student, he jokingly called comparing his Stockotaum discourse to Morse code.

 Biden [Music] Biden's name was approached by Delaware College, where he considered history and political theory and played football during his younger years at school.

 Spouse Nelia Tracker had even greater desires, especially at a young age, and needed to be stunned to hear how she volunteered to help with a career, the couple advised Nellia's mother that she expected Joe to become the leader of the United States.

He made an intensive effort throughout his exams, and when he graduated from Delaware in 1965 he admitted he entered Syracuse College Graduate School Darling's Joe Anelia won the following year in 1966. After graduating from high school in 1968, Joe Wilmington moved to Delaware.

 To begin rehearsing his career in a law office this time in a law office he became one of the individuals working from the Progressive Alliance and in 1970 Biden was elected to our Senate in 1972 at the age of 29 for check collection in Newcastle. Shortly after Biden won his Senate seat, he became the fifth youngest Congressman in history.

 While her half and three children were driving home from buying a Christmas tree Nelia, a half-truck hit the family center cart and kicked the bucket before their many-month-old baby Naomi arrived at the medical clinic. And Tracker was taken to the emergency clinic with their injuries.

 In fact Biden was sworn in to the Senate in his baby athlete's clinic room skirt.

 Joe Biden, who lived in the Senate from 1973 to 2009, worked as an accredited senator in the Senate, driving Joe's success as one of the Senate's driving international strategists, filling his role as council administrator on unfamiliar relations with the Soviet Union, pushing for a major arms control with Emerging NATO to annex several international Soviet allies. Strategic positions include improving stability and harmony in the Balkans, along with controlling the main entrance war and the Bosnian war.

 Large heavy guns around Sarajevo and widely confronted in different parts of Boston Biden In 1986, when Secretary of State George Schultz defended President Reagan's approach to South Africa, the organization was condemned by both the South and the South for his lack of good backbone in managing the white minority government in Pretoria. .

 After Schultz accepted Reagan's opposition to monetary approvals in South Africa, he said he did not want a politically permissible racial segregation system.

Ask an organization and secretary of state to refuse to pursue an ethical hate point, this is not a situation where these individuals can be safe under the control of flexible law

 These people are disconnected, we are staying here We heard a very similar way of talking, we heard, we heard that we have to deal with the problem, and then I heard that we can not force you, I completely misunderstood the notice I gave, I did not call, it is about your duties state I would not ask precisely that I would not hear an organization of secretaries pursue an ethical hate point,

I will not listen to this nation and I am ashamed that this nation is proposing such an arrangement. This says nothing about continuing with the equivalent of officially announcing his appointment at a Wilmington train station on June 9, 1988 for the official post based on the 1988 vote.

 He initially sought to become the youngest president when he was elected to the Senate in 1972, at which point he was seen as a White House object.

So involved in a lot of legislative issues, he was undoubtedly seen as an extraordinary new prospect in delivering addresses and a large number of other majority rule sprinters a video came out at the beginning of the primaries anyway,

 This is the U.K. The Labor Party put together a speech by pioneering Neil Kanach's film and quoted Kanak's words in the state of Iowa.

 Can anyone explain why Joe Biden is the first in the queue for a family to actually go to a college, I'm the first partner with the desire to get into college by the age of 1,000, how can my best half sit in the crowd and actually go to the first college in her family? Has the opportunity to receive,

Since then, the incidence of Pitton's absence has continued to rise. Biden refused to give a formal note to both Robert and Humphrey Kennedy, who said they were not in his early months at the Syracuse graduate school in 1965, when the press turned the printed allegiance into an issue of souls rather than his best achievement.

 When he drafted a syllabus, he set aside five pages from a distributed legal review article without commentary or citations, at which time Biden c. However, he could not remember this headline during the vote-based election journey.

So in September 1987 he reduced his misfortunes and announced in 1988 that he would be leaving the race in the usual Biden style rather than traveling to Europe. Part of his speech was troubling to use this imagination with or without surrender,

 But it saved his life in February 1988 with a severe cerebral palsy. After two rounds of tiring cerebral palsy he read a clock magazine. If I had stayed in the race to the death, it is not certain that the versatile Biden would have returned to the Senate following a period of several months of regeneration.

 My goal was the phase I started running in 1972. If I needed my girls, I had one of them at 14 months old and my kids would qualify for every single opportunity we had.

 There is nothing a man can do that a woman cannot do, in 1994 you can do nothing, but I can really point out that there is nothing,

 Probably the greatest achievement was that she co-sponsored barbarism against the law of women. It provided $ 1.6 billion for research and regulation of brutal crimes against women, as well as planned and forced compensation for those convicted and forced to sue.

Regardless of whether investigators did not pursue criminal charges, those who attacked the General Court campaigned for US action to end the Darfur massacre and President George W. Bush opposed the conduct of the Iraq war, especially in the wake of the 2007 flood of troops. He noted that his record in the Senate was topped a few legislative advisory committees and to engage with international strategy by setting up a federation on his legitimacy of political progress in the Iraq war.

 During a meeting with US President Biden in the morning, he stated that if Clinton's preparations for the Iraq war were to be considered, his arrangement would require a political arrangement contrary to Clinton's military arrangement.

However, the hedge system of the United States in 2008 called for change in individuals, and Barack Obama's presentation was not the right time for Biden. Let’s start with the following incredible part of the story

 Shining from the sea across the country with three words C Yes, we can thank you for the new Hampshire [applause] Probably the most complicated issue saddened at the time

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